I hope you're treating yourself to some good relaxing reading time because you are going to want to be caught up so you can take advantage of these new books coming out too.

JANUARY My friend Tracy March has another Suddenly Smitten novel coming out on Jan 19th. I'm so excited about this one. I had the honor of writing the cover blurb for her first book in that series called, The Practice Proposal. Love that book and I've never forgotten the hero, Cole, either! Her new book is just as fun. If you love watching The Bachelor...you are going to adore this book. Pre-order The Marriage Match.
FEBRUARY Then..speaking of "match" - February 10th is the big day that Barbecue and Bad News comes out. Hopefully you've already pre-ordered that one. You've followed Sheriff Scott Calvin through five Adams Grove novels. We thought he might get the girl after Out of Focus, but that wasn't meant to be. Finally, Scott's getting his chance. Don't miss out on this story.
Then...in the spirit of Valentine's Day...if you didn't grab WRAPPED AROUND MY HEART last year, be sure to pick it up. Three really quick reads, but grab-a-tissue sweet stories that are proloques to future releases from Tracy March and I in 2015.
MAY SWEET TALK is a collection of new stories from ten bestselling authors being sponsored by Brenda Novak to raise money in this box set $9.99 with all proceeds from May and June going to Diabetes Research. My contribution is a love story set on the banks of North Carolina called Sand Dollar Cove. It's a brand new community and I hope you'll fall in love with it. I'm so proud to be a part of this effort with the amazing list of authors and I hope you'll get your copy ordered. It's such an important cause, and if we all do a little we can do a lot!
MAY Also in May, on 5/19, LIFE AFTER PERFECT will hit the shelves. New folks in a new place - Boot Creek, North Carolina. A tender story of second chances.
And there will be another Granny Series book from Kelsey Browning and I this year too. Stay tuned for the cover reveal coming in early February along with the press release for the official release date of IN HIGH COTTON and some special THE GRANNY SERIES goings ons!

Also, check my calendar of events right here on my webstie for events across the country in 2015. I'll be in 21 states this year...so hopefully I'll be in your neck o' the woods at some point. Mark your calendar and come say hello.
Thanks so much for your support. You enable me to live this dream..and I appreciate you every day for it!
Hugs and happy reading,