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7-Day Gratitude Walk - DAY FOUR

Writer: Nancy NaigleNancy Naigle


🍂✨ Welcome to day four of our 7-Day Gratitude Journey! ✨🍂

Day 4: Gratitude for Challenges


Question/Statement: What is one challenge you've faced in the past few years and what has it taught you?

  • Tip: Write a letter to yourself, or sit quietly and meditate about how you've grown through that experience.

    Stick with me on this one. I realize that challenges...well they are challenging!

    But with enough time and thoughtful consideration, we can generally see that we've learned something during those difficult times that has made us better prepared, wiser, more empathetic, maybe even healthier.



I love this Add-on. A gratitude wreath is a simple, heartfelt craft that’s perfect for this season of thankfulness! 🍂✨ I'm going to teach you how to make a gratitude wreath. Don't think you have to do it alone. You can get the whole family involved.

What you'll need:

Any wreath

Strips of paper

Markers or pens

Optional Individually wrapped Candy Canes

Optional Clear Tape

Hang a holiday wreath on a door somewhere in your home. Write the things you are grateful for on the strips of paper. It might be a line or two about a specific thing, or it can be one word. Family. Health. Work. You get the idea.

Go simple and scroll the note and tuck it into the wreath.


Wrap the note around a candy cane, tape it to secure it, then tuck the candy cane into the wreath. At first glance, it's just a wreath with candy canes, but when the going gets tough, or you or a special someone needs a positive nudge, pull out one of those candy canes and be inspired and grateful over the thoughtful note.

I can't wait to hear how things are going.

Looking forward to catching up tomorrow—thank you for being my partner in gratitude,


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It all started with a desire to write one book to help one busy gal through one bad day. Over forty-five books later my dream is the same. I hope to whisk you away in a story that helps you relax and regain balance, while tickling a memory, making you smile, and interrupting any worries with a reminder that there is always hope. Thank you for taking this journey with me.
   Hugs and happy reading,

© 2024 Nancy Naigle.  All Rights Reserved.

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