the first book in the new Chestnut Ridge Series
Sometimes love is worth the risk.
This is a beautifully written story that at times is heartbreaking and others can make you laugh out loud. There is a wonderful kaleidoscope of characters that make this story rich.
--NetGalley Reviewer
Thank you so much for helping spread the word about my new novel.
Of course, the newest release is always my favorite, but I think this story holds so much that will linger in your heart and mind. As I researched this story idea, I was stunned to find out just how often people are tricked, conned and deceived under the guise of love. It's disturbing, but with friends and people you can trust around you, you can rise above even that kind of deception. I also found beautiful stories about how people's lives changed after meeting someone who became "found" family. Life is full of wild twists and turns, many much stranger than fiction.
I can't wait for you to join Natalie on her journey. I think you'll find Chestnut Ridge comforting and I hope the beauty in my mind as I wrote it comes through. The characters are quirky and as colorful as the breathtaking views of the Blue Ridge Parkway. Come...sit a spell...and keep those happy thoughts and smiles going. They are contagious!
I've already turned in book two. It's called Christmas in Chestnut Ridge and will come out next year - late September 2024. More to come on that.
Below are the book links, and assorted styles and sizes of graphics. You are welcome to use anything on this page to share with your friends and colleagues.
Happy Summer Reading,
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Copy and Paste book links:
Amazon: https://amzn.to/3essVN0
Indiebound: https://bit.ly/3eFzAnh
Kindle: https://amzn.to/3L043sk
Nook: https://bit.ly/3RzMFx4
Apple: https://apple.co/3TW8MiF
Kobo: https://bit.ly/3L4M2c8
Google: https://bit.ly/3U0ogSM
BAM: https://bit.ly/3L3CcaP
Macmillan Book Page: https://bit.ly/3RT0IgY
Downloadable Social Media Images
Click on any of the images and you'll see a bigger picture of the image. Above it there's a button to either download or forward it. I hope these help you put together something pretty, or create your own!
If you're not really the social media type...you can still help. Here's a link to a blog post with lots of ways you can help spread the word about all your favorite author's books. https://www.nancynaigle.com/post/how-can-i-help-my-favorite-author
Here we go! Thanks a million. Nancy
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Facebook Cover Headers-sized graphics to pick from.
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Short Videos for TikTok or Reels can be downloaded from YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCK_6iboTXvg7F_Bhz2neygA
Inspiring Quotes with the Book Cover. Easy to download. Just click!

Copy and Paste book links:
Amazon: https://amzn.to/3essVN0
Indiebound: https://bit.ly/3eFzAnh
Kindle: https://amzn.to/3L043sk
Nook: https://bit.ly/3RzMFx4
Apple: https://apple.co/3TW8MiF
Kobo: https://bit.ly/3L4M2c8
Google: https://bit.ly/3U0ogSM
BAM: https://bit.ly/3L3CcaP
Macmillan Book Page: https://bit.ly/3RT0IgY